Computer Waste

Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

We, as a certified IT recycling and data shredding company in Nottingham, the UK, are committed to carrying out all of our operations in an eco-friendly way. From collection to shredding and recycling, every operation related to electronic equipment is performed in compliance with the WEEE Directives and Environmental agency’s regulations. To protect the local and global environment from the effects of e-waste, we are not only adopting the required policies within our working environment but also promoting green environment strategies throughout the country. To ensure environmental-friendly data shredding and IT recycling procedures within our business structure, we have included the following pointers in our policy.

The company monitors the effects of its operations on the environment regularly.
It provides training to its personnel regarding various situations relating to environmental issues.
Constantly works on minimising e-waste.
Cuts down the resources waste and energy waste.
Promotes the usage of reusable and recyclable materials.
Hampers the production of all kinds of pollution that comes out during recycling and data shredding.
Works on reducing the noise pollution caused as a result of shredding and recycling of IT Waste.
Our company also focuses on neutralizing the effects of its operations on the general public and staff within the premises.
The Responsibilities of Top Management
It scrutinises the effects of the Environmental Management System.
Also ensures that the implementation of environmental policies and objectives are in line with the company’s strategic directions.
The top management also makes sure that all the required resources for the implementation of the Environmental Management System are available.
It counterchecks if the set targets of the Environmental Policy are accomplished.
Derives new ways and means for the improvement in the Policy.


NOTE!  All the concerned persons including employees, external providers, and other interested parties are familiarized with these policies. The Policy is regularly reviewed and updated where required.