Computer Waste

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Computer IT Waste

The Privacy Policy is for the website
, belonging to an IT recycling and data shredding company, Computer IT Waste, based in Nottingham, the UK. As a certified IT waste management company, we vow to preserve the privacy of all our website visitors, account holders, and customers.


Designed in compliance with Data Protection Act, our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, control, handle, and protect our users’ information. How do we collect users’ data? We collect user data through our website, social media page, mobile website, web application, or via our interaction with you on the phone or email. Key definitions: “I”, “we”, “Us”, or “our” refers to our business/company, Computer IT Waste. “You”, “Your” refers to our users (refers to the person navigating our website). WEEE means Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. GDPR means General Data Protection Regulations Cookies are small files containing information generated by web servers and sent to web browsers. NOTE! You must read our privacy policy carefully before starting your visit to our website. If you disagree with any of the terms described below, you have the right to discontinue your visit to this site, right there. Our privacy policy applies only to the information that is collected by our website or our other online media. If you access any other website through our site, your personal information is subjected to their privacy policy. Given below is the detail of our Privacy Policy which is documented while keeping the company’s regulations and your general data protection rights. How do we collect users’ data? Through our website, during your navigation. Via forms that you fill out voluntarily. Survey forms. Feedback forms. Or through different interactive points on our website. The other detailed information about your navigation on our website is collected through Google Analytics and cookies. What type of User Data do we collect? Name Email address Shipping address Phone number Demographic information such as (postcodes, preferences, age, gender, etc). The above-mentioned information is collected with the users’ willingness when they get registered with our website or engage in any other online interactive activities such as adding reviews, filling forms, live chat, etc. We don’t bound you to provide your personal information, you always have an option of opting out of some of the questions but you may face defiance for some of the features of our website.

Derived Information

This is the information that we collect when you just land on our website. · IP address · Web browser type and version · Operation systems · A list of URLs; referring site · The pages you visited on the site · Total time spent on the site · And the site you exit to How do we Process your Personal Information? We process your personal information legally under GDPR in the following ways; 

To make your navigation on our website easy, personalized, and smooth. For creating and managing your accounts which are later used to keep you updated with our business, new promotions, discounts, deals, or any other related thing, which you may find tempting. We use data with your permission and where permitted by law, for marketing purposes. To keep a track of your navigation on our website that may include your search trends. Such information is saved to provide you with a more personalized and customized experience on the next visit. To enhance the efficiency of our business website.

Legal Sharing of your Data

Usually, we don’t share our users’ data with anyone; however, at times, we may need to, but legitimately with our chosen supply chains or logistic partners. Here is how we do it. Usually, your information is shared in case of responding to a legal process to look into and cope with the legal breaching of our policies. Your personal data is also shared with the third party when it is required to provide you with a better navigation experience on our website. Note! To get more information about the third policy, you can read out our Cookies. We may share it when subjected to a court order, or government command in case of legal proceedings for fraud protection and credit risk.

Ways we protect your Personal Data

Users’ data is our top priority, so we take all possible legal measures to protect it. From data collection to its processing and usage, we ensure data security at every single step. The purpose of adopting these protective measures is to hamper the unauthorised access to our users’ accounts, which may result in user/password hacking, credential theft, disclosure, or destruction of personal information. We, at Computer IT Waste, use all technical, administrative, and physical measures to protect your data. Here is how we do it. By immediately removing your information when it is no longer useful for us. Every staff member and service provider is obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the users. We use authorised and legal measures for storing and emission of your personal information. We use an industry-standard encryption protocol, SSL (secure socket layer) to transmit data collected from the users. For How Long User’s Data is Stored? We keep your data stored for as long as it is required for some actions and is permitted by law. As our contract with you gets over, we remove all the stored information immediately. However, in case of a pending taxation procedure, we may keep it for a little longer. Your contact details and buying behaviours can also be kept stored, as these may be used to send you marketing emails in the future. What are Your Rights? Keeping the GDPR, you have the following rights; You can ask for the copy of your personal information that we collect and save through our website, social platforms, and email, via phone or live chat. It is your right to deny a subscription request during your visit to our website. You can opt out of subscriptions for newsletters and other correspondence at any instant, just by pressing the unsubscribe icon. You have the right to deny the update or correspondence from a third party and you can do it by contacting them directly. Our users can enjoy some of the features of the website without giving any personal information. 


While visiting our website you may come across a dialogue box offering you the choice of accepting or denying our cookies. By accepting our cookies, you show willingness for data storage and usage of your personal information. These cookies are just meant to provide you with a better browsing experience on our website so that you could explore our services in an easier way. Through the information collected by these cookies, we can customize your next visit to our website. You can turn off these cookies at any time you want. NOTE! We, at Computer IT WASTE reserve the right to make any changes in our “Privacy Policy” at any instant. You can get to know about these amendments through the REVISED date of our Privacy Policy. Therefore, to stay updated, you must visit our website on regular basis.