Computer Waste

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Computer IT Waste, as a certified e-waste management company in Nottingham, UK, vows to align its values, procedures, and operations with WEEE Directive and Environmental agency regulations. The ultimate purpose of maintaining these responsibilities is to benefit our stakeholders, which include — our customers, employees, investors, suppliers, and the environment. We understand the importance of our social, economical, and environmental policies and how they affect our stakeholders. This is the reason that not only do we demonstrate these policies in our operations but also include them as our Corporate Social Responsibilities in the following ways.

In our contracts, we have mentioned our terms and conditions and also the basis of relationships with the partners so that there remains no ambiguity. Our strategies are meant to avoid any unfair business dealings. 

Being of the strongest supporters of the Zero WastePolicyin the UK, we shall encourage, our stakeholders, partners, staff, and manufacturers to adopt environmental-friendly measures. 

We shall speak to the local communities for our mutual benefit.
Keeping the customers at the top, we shall never leave any complaint unheard or any issue unresolved. And, for this, we shall turn towards an industry-standardcustomer service approach. 

Our internal environment policies will be in line with the Environmental Agency’s regulations so that we could play our part in reducing e-waste’s effects on the environment.

Our data erasure and IT recycling operations will be designed in compliance with the GDPR and WEEE Directives.
Our terms of employment for the present and future employees shall be fair and we are committed to providing our workforce with all the resources using which they could give their best.

We aim at providing the best protection and privileges to our employees without any discrimination of colour, race, sex, and religious belief.
Our pay/wages policies will be fair for all employees and we shall also provide a platform through which they can communicate their concerns. 

Maintaining a clean, healthy and safe working environment is an integral part of our Corporate Social Responsibilities.